Our Story

When we turn on a tap we want one thing: Water. So, why does your faucet pour out a long list of contaminants and chemicals? No one is every thirsty for a tall glass of Chromium-6, but it has been found in tap water in all 50 states.[1]

After watching our family and friends running to the store for bottles three times a week and dumping jugs of tap water into 2 year-old filters- we decided to make a better way. Three friends, with 27 years experience in water, came together to make ane easy system anyone can put in their home by themselves. Express Water was started with one goal: Bring on-demand clean water to real people's homes. Over the years we've made that vision real for hundreds of thousands of people, and nothing makes us happier.

Our Mission

At Express Water we make water simple for you. So, it makes sense that if you have questions, we're here for that too. You can talk with a real person about everything having to do with your water and setup in your home. We're experts, so you don't have to be.

We focus on easy to use and install "one-stop" systems that handle all your drinking water needs. Your water is important, so we want you to be completely satisfied with your system. If for any reason you decide to want to return a system we will take the system back and refund your money anytime in the first 30 days. On top of that every system we sell comes with a one year warranty with free support.

Find out how simple your water can be.

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1."Chemical Taints Tap Water of 218 Million Americans." Environmental Working Group, January 3, 2018. Accessed May 10, 2018. https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/2016-chromium6-lower-48.php.
